Gord Harris - Class of 1988
Role in the BCI Knights 50th Reunion Committee: Whatever Christine and Lisa tell me to do? (Although, Lisa will have more challenges with enforcement).
Best high school memory: Surviving grade nine! Playing football for Mr. Carmichael and Mr. Ciccerelli. Any course taught by Ray Baptie. Playing euchre in the common area (if that is what it was called). The Morty’s luncheon club.
Worst high school memory: More than one teacher in grade nine saying in the first class in September, “You’re not Doug Harris’ brother, are you?”. Not smiling when they said it. (I said, “Maybe?”) My mom seeing my yearbook and thinking that the “Functions and Relations Drop Out Club” was real. The rest have been blocked out of my mind …
What I'm looking forward to at the Reunion: Mostly, just seeing people I have not seen for years, reconnecting, and finding out what they have been up to. And not through facebook! I am also looking forward to seeing many of my old teachers, and being able to thank them in person for being part of my growth, back when it mattered – even if I didn’t understand it at the time. Also – restablishing the Morty’s Luncheon Club.
Best high school memory: Surviving grade nine! Playing football for Mr. Carmichael and Mr. Ciccerelli. Any course taught by Ray Baptie. Playing euchre in the common area (if that is what it was called). The Morty’s luncheon club.
Worst high school memory: More than one teacher in grade nine saying in the first class in September, “You’re not Doug Harris’ brother, are you?”. Not smiling when they said it. (I said, “Maybe?”) My mom seeing my yearbook and thinking that the “Functions and Relations Drop Out Club” was real. The rest have been blocked out of my mind …
What I'm looking forward to at the Reunion: Mostly, just seeing people I have not seen for years, reconnecting, and finding out what they have been up to. And not through facebook! I am also looking forward to seeing many of my old teachers, and being able to thank them in person for being part of my growth, back when it mattered – even if I didn’t understand it at the time. Also – restablishing the Morty’s Luncheon Club.